
Gillian Fisher

See Brand Identity PDF
Gillian Fisher
Project type
Brand Identity
PROJECT Timeline
February 2023 - April 2023
programs & Methods


    I was selected for a special senior project section in the University of Houston Digital Media Program. In this section, we were given the opportunity to create brand identities for students of the Wolff Center, which is the #1 entrepreneurship college in the United States.


    I was eager to build a solid brand identity for my students. One of my students was Gillian Fisher, a bright entrepreneurship student with a heart for creativity and a desire to start her own business. I wanted to capture the essence of her creativity in her brand identity. Gillian was eager to begin and did her own logo design, which I translated to a vector and worked with variations for her brand identity.

My Creation Journey

Let's find out who Gillian is and how she wants to be represented.

Gillian started off with a bright and positive spirit, telling me about her creativity and also her dreams in starting a business led by herself. She told me that she prides herself in being a self starter and a hard worker. She also has painted murals in the past and likes to draw calligraphy as well. Given that she already did calligraphy, she began a logo design ahead of time. I thought the logo looked beautiful and represented her brand very well, so I made it into a vector.

I also wanted to explain to Gillian how important a brand identity is and what it encompasses. To do this, I created a presentation for our first meeting.
See Branding Presentation PDF

Gillian's Brand Statement: 
As an artist-entrepreneur with a passion for creativity and small businesses, I am dedicated to introducing a fresh and innovative approach. With a natural inclination towards leadership, I bring a committed and ready-to-work attitude to everything I do.

A logo needs to be iconic, memorable, and stand the test of time.

Since Gillian already created her logo, I translated it to a vector and created a sans-serif type of her full name to complement the graphic. However, I also wanted to give her different versions of her logo.

With this logo, I wanted to create a clear sense of growth and sustainability while also keeping her theme of using a serif font.

With this logo, I wanted to go for a more elegant approach, using a script for the graphic that interacted with a sans-serif font.

Finally, I did two different versions of the logo she drew before. Ultimately, she decided to go in this direction for her final logo design.

In the end, the following logo design was created with Gillian's feedback and approval.

There is also an animated version of this logo. See the process for creating the animated version below.
See Logo Motion Design Process

Adding some color to the mix.

To start off, I showed Gillian three different color palettes that she could use for her final brand identity.

The first color palette was meant to complement the logo in which the vines around the "G" in her name are green and have red flowers.

The second color palette was meant to add life, growth, and positivity to the themes of her brand.

The third color palette was meant to provide a more trustworthy, calm tone with blues.

In the end, Gillian took inspiration from the other color palettes and chose the following final palette.

What type of type?

Gabi wanted a serif font for her logo type. I showed her three different iterations of type to either take inspiration from or choose for her final typography.
Gillian was already satisfied with the Utopia serif font in her logo font, and wanted it incorporated in her final brand identity. The following is her final typography.

Drumroll, please...

I collected Gillian's values, goals, and mission, and compiled all of the work we created into one final brand identity presentation. We presented it for my senior capstone presentation.

In addition, we also recorded an elevator pitch video for her SeekerPitch profile. See the video and final brand identity below.

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