
Gillian Fisher


Gillian Fisher
Project type
Brand Identity - Logo Motion Design
programs & Methods
Motion Storyboarding


    I was selected for a special senior project section in the University of Houston Digital Media Program. In this section, we were given the opportunity to create brand identities for students of the Wolff Center, which is the #1 entrepreneurship college in the United States.


    I was eager to build a solid brand identity for my students. One of my students was Gillian Fisher, a bright entrepreneurship student with a heart for creativity and a desire to start her own businessI wanted to capture the essence of her creativity in her logo and the motion design. Gillian was eager to begin and did her own logo design, which I translated to a vector and worked with variations for her brand identity.

My Creation Journey

Sketching is an essential step in the logo motion design process.

When I started working on the logo motion design for Gillian Fisher, I knew that I wanted it to convey a sense of growth and life since Gillian is a creative that wants to start her own small business.

Since Gillian had designed her own logo, I wanted to interpret her vision in a way that couldn't be done with a static image, which is why I decided to animate her logo.

Sketching on paper gave me the freedom to be creative and experiment with different ideas. It helped me to identify the most effective concept and refine it further in the later stages of the design process. Sketching was definitely a crucial step in creating a logo motion design that captures Gillian Fisher's brand message.

High-quality graphics are key to establishing a strong brand. Making the logo a vector will achieve this.

For the second step in my logo motion design process for Gillian, I needed to make the logo a vector in Adobe Illustrator and prepare it for transfer to Adobe After Effects.

Converting the logo into a vector was essential to ensure that it retained its quality and could be scaled without losing resolution. I made the logo Gillian designed into a vector on Illustrator and organized the layers accordingly for After Effects.

Once the logo was a vector, I transferred it to Adobe After Effects, where I could apply motion graphics and animation techniques to create the desired effect. This step was crucial in the logo motion design process because it allowed me to create a high-quality motion design that effectively communicated Gillian's brand message.

Bringing the logo to life using animation.

After transferring Gillian's logo to After Effects, I began animating it using squashing and stretching techniques to convey the blooming of the flower petals graphic around Gillian's first initial. I wanted the logo to look dynamic, so I had the initials be drawn in using a layer mask. Lastly, I used the animation tool to have a dynamic animation for Gillian's full name appearing.

Overall, I think the motion design successfully captures Gillian's brand message and looks engaging and fun.

Curating for my client.

Gillian was happy with the result of her animation, and did not request any changes to it. She was happy that I went the extra mile to provide her with a logo animation that suited her brand.

Drumroll, please...

Here is the finished result of Gillian's logo animation. To summarize, I used a mask to make the vines around her first initial appear and a mesh warp to make them "bounce" into place. I used a masking effect to make the initials appear and duplicated the effect with a lighter shade of her logo color. I used this lighter shade to convey movement in the animation, and made it appear as though it was leaving the initials to form her full name at the bottom with a moving graphic. She was satisfied with the final result, and it was incorporated in her final brand identity.

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